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Thursday, February 28, 2008


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Oh Doris, your jewelry is so amazing! And the new blog look is great..congrats on breaking through your computer comfort zone and going for it! I am tempted to get on board the Tolle bandwagon. xo cindy


Cindy, you are a dear. Thanks for the kind words about my jewelry and my computer comfort zone. Tolle is pretty good. I think you'd like it.

linda and opie's burnt offerings

hey girlie girl, how great to hear from you. i see we've both stumbled into the 21st century (albiet kicking and screaming), but hey "WE DID IT". one day at a time, one post at a time, one etsy piece at a time... better late!!!!
BTW: all cats think they're pillows...LOL!
linda and opie

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