Okay, I know I haven't posted for a while. That's because big things have been happening with me. And because I want to update and radically change the look of this blog. That all means time and being the great procrastinator that I am (which, if you didn't know, they say is an offshoot of being a perfectionist - you keep putting stuff off because you won't be able to do it perfectly- yah, right) you will notice that nothing has changed.
Well, if all goes well, I hope to be bringing some of these changes around soon, maybe even today, after this post. And I hope to pick a good day of the week to blog. Believe it or not, it just never even occured to me to blog on regular days. I don't know why this never entered my brain until I read another blog saying that Friday was her blogging day. Well, duh. the lightbulb has finally gone off in my dust filled, badly cluttered noggin.
Now I'm not saying that Friday will be the day but I will be picking a day...soon. As soon as I figure out the perfect day. Okay, I won't be waiting for the perfect day because that just won't be happening but I am going to pick a day that works for me.
Okay, now on to something that is important to me or I wouldn't post it here.
Warning: I'm off on a rant here, so if you just can't handle it, don't read it. I'll be back with lighter, less weighty stuff, really. But I just have to say something about this stuff.
On March 3, 2010, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture is planning to approve the use of genetically modified Roundup Ready (registered name- I just can't figure out how to get the symbol here) alfalfa without any limitations or protections for farmers, consumers or the environment.
Now, alfalfa may not seem that big a deal to you. After all, when was the last time you popped some alfalfa into your mouth. The real problem is that this kind of stuff shows up in beef, milk and probably pork and chicken as well.
"According to the EIS (USDA'sEnvironmental Impact Statement) consumers who ingest Roundup may experience "general and non-specific signs of toxicity from subchronic and chronic exposure to glyphosate includ[ing] changes in liver weight, blood chemistry (may suggest mild liver toxicity), liver pathology, and weight of the pituitary gland."
The EIS warns that, "Based on upper estimates of exposure ... infants consuming fruit and all age groups consuming vegetables may be at risk of adverse effects associated with acute exposure to glyphosate residues."
Yeah, doesn't sound good does it?
And, I'm just not a big fan of a huge, huge, I can't stress enough how huge, company, having a free rein to play with our food sources so that they can sell more of their pesticides. Let's not forget that they will own the alfalfa seeds as well, which if all goes like it did with their soybeans means that Monsanto crops will be polluting the crops on other farms making it darn near impossible to not have genetically engineered or modified crops and seeds. Monsanto is evil in my mind. See if you don't agree after watching some of the stuff on YouTube (just type in Monsanto in the search box).
So for more information on this and something you can do about it, click on the link below.
Take Action with the Grassroots Netroots Alliance.
Thanks for listening.
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